Unit 6. Timberline Lodge Conspiracy Park and Visitor Center. LA280.




By creating a plan of the existing conditions I was able to produce sections of the existing topography and vegetation. This helped in the designing aspect of where to place the certain building structures, paths, plaza, road, and new vegetation. By creating a plan and sections of the existing conditions it helped in the starting up process of what was to come in the Timberline Lodge Conspiracy Park and Visitor Center.  




By creating a plan of the new design with labels and materials, I was able to express what I wanted to go where and what they were with labels. But also by hatching and using different shapes I was able to show what materials I intended to use in the design. The layout and materials plan helped express the plan as a whole and also show people who were looking at it the first time what exactly they were looking at. 



The enlargement plan helped me zoom into a certain area of the plaza and express the dimensions of the space and also zoom into what was in that area. The Paving pattern helped show what materials I intended to use when designing and its a blown up version for the hatches to be at the right scale for people to really see the difference in the materials in the one small space. I created a section of the seating to show what materials I was going to use and how the seating would be set up in the plaza area. Then by including the precedent image of the fire pit I gave the audience something to picture and understand what I was trying to create in the shape and the difference in materials throughout the plaza. 

Unit 6. Existing Conditions Plan and Sections. LA 280.


By creating a base map for the existing conditions I was able to see where all the existing vegetation is and the topography lines. Then by cutting through the site to create sections I was able to understand the grade change and where the vegetation lines on the section. This helped me learn the height of the grade changes through the site and also where we want to leave the existing vegetation and where I can build. This will help in the future designing aspect of the site. 

Danny’s Rides. The Shining. Unit 05. Diagramming.


Ride #1:

When Danny takes his first ride it is on the first floor going around the lounge. This is a simple ride and is just continuous around the lounge are. They describe it as being the realest trip he takes because it shows the layout of the set and describes it is a full set not just one picture re-ran over and over. I used the carpet pattern and wood floor pattern to show the different ground coverings he experiences through his first ride.

Ride #2:

On Danny’s second ride he is on the second floor right above part of the first floor lounge where he took his first ride. It’s a whole different experience because this time he takes a P shape loop around and is mostly on carpet. He also discovers room 237 which is where he stops. By using the carpet pattern from the movie and other patterns I was able to show what kind of floor he was on in which part of his ride. Also using the circle shape I responded to the stop Danny made in from of room 237. This experience is said to have something to due with his dad which is why I included an image of him.

Ride #3:

When Danny takes his final ride he starts off in the same area he did on his first ride through the service corridor, but suddenly jumps to the floor right outside their apartment. This is the strangest ride out of all of them. It is said that where he is riding is right above where his mother is talking on the phone which is why I included an image of his mother. Also his last and final ride ends him in the hallway with the wallpaper and face to face with the two little girls at the end of the hallway. By using the wallpaper to represent that part of the hallway and the gray rectangles to show the corridor I was able to show where Danny was in his last ride.

I really enjoyed doing this project, from watching the movie and the documentary I was able to explain through my exploded diagrams what caught my attention the most. Which was the different flooring Danny rode on and what surrounded him on his three very different rides.

Unit 5D. Night Rendering.

Night Rendering

In doing so I first added 2 layers and on the 2nd from the top I used control A, control backspace to create a background layer to black and I changed the opacity so I could see the different layers that were behind the black layer. Then the top new layer I right clicked and created a clipping mask. I found a picture of rain and added it into the picture and changed the opacity and made it a background layer. I decided to give a few of the people flashlights and used the polygon lasso tool to outline a shape for the light to show on the clipping mask. Then used the eraser and changed the flow and opacity to lower and fill in the outline of the ray of light. I used the same tools and added light coming from the porch and the window in the house and the front of the ship. I then added elliptical shapes to the sand and repeated the past steps. I used the eraser to blend the light instead of it standing out. Then I used the filter-render-lighting effects behind the trees to show something was back there. I brightened the exposure. I added 2 ellipticals and added the outer glow to both and changed the spread and glow. I organized the layers so everything was showing up! I learned a lot in doing this project and enjoyed it. 

Unit 5.C. The Titanic.



When creating the photo-montage I found a picture of an island from eye level and inserted it into photoshop. Then I duplicated the layer and flipped it horizontally and covered part of the first photo up with the second. I merged the two layers for them to become one. I used the clone stamp to blend the line that had originally separated the two images. When I finished making them look like one panorama picture I decided to erase the island in the background of the one side to make it look different. I used the cloning stamp and the paint tool to blend it in with the sky and water and leave the horizon line visible. Then I changed the exposure in the entire background till I felt as though it looked more interesting. First then I cropped out an old ancient picture of the titanic ship sinking and inserted it in the composition. I used the paint tool to blend the bottom of the boat into the water and look like it was sinking. I then added Jack and Rose to the front of the picture at eye level and changed their opacity just to give a feel of what happened on the titanic with the two who fell in love. I added a group of people in the backgound and then another set farther back in the island keeping both groups at eye level to give a feel that the island was occupied by the survivors. I changed the exposure and opacity of the two sets of people to show that the ones farther away were harder to see. I then added Jack and Rose in the background swimming to shore from the sinking titanic. Then to give the feel that these people have made a home on this island I added the shack in the background and more palm trees to show some color in the trees. I added different textures and filters to the different set of trees and the shack to make them pop and give more definition to them. I added a big sandcastle in the front, changed the opacity and texture to give more feeling to it and added the little child building it. Finally I added shadows to the different layers and different people and objects to show depth. I rearranged certain layers; by moving the shack in front of the trees and Jack and Rose swimming in front of the ship wreckage. In doing this project I really explored the different tools I could use in blending options and adding different elements and the arrangement of the layers. I enjoyed this project very much and helped me learn my way around photoshop better and the shortcuts I can use. 

http://www.geekosystem.com/mythbusters-titanic/- floating

http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2009/10/salvage_company_may_make_anoth.html- titanic

http://www.casadivina.net/current-real-estate-in-costa-rica/- shack

http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photos-group-people-standing-copyspace-image7235283- people

http://blog.ritani.com/celebrity-news/romeo-juliet-romantic-movie-couples/- Jack and Rose

http://www.armvend.com/wp-content/uploads/sand-castle.jpg- sandcastle

http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-101071483/stock-photo-happy-little-baby-girl-playing-sand-on-beach-with-bucket-and-spade.html- little girl in sand

http://www.123rf.com/stock-photo/palm_tree.html- palm trees

Unit 5.B. The Titanic


When producing the plan view I first had to find an image of the ocean and an island. I went to sketch up and put the image into plan view. Then transferred this over into photoshop. I created a new layer and inserted the titanic ship from sketch up onto the layer of the island. I then decided to add extra boats to the right side by getting the models from sketch up again. Then I inserted a bunch of people in plan view on the island showing that people from the Titanic went to an abandoned island. I decided they needed a road and a city that they created, so I took a plan view of homes and inserted it onto the island to show that they were creating life there. I added shadows and added texture to the first layer of the ocean and island to give it a lil more like wave like feel. I changed the exposure on the water and used the pain to cover up some of the Titanic to make it feel like the ship was sinking. My conspiracy was that the people on the Titanic all lived and decided to stay on this abandoned island and created their own boats to go from here and there as they please, they created their own city and lived their lives. This image is a representation of the conspiracy of the Titanic sinking. 

Unit 5.A. The Titanic

Unit 5.A1

When going from the original image I decided to first start off by fixing the sky/background. I used the paint tools to smooth the colors and erase the marks in the upper right corner. I then added the blue gradient in the ocean. Then fixing the exposure and messing with the saturation and contrast to give it more of a glow. I also messed with the exposure in the background to lighten it up in some spots. When i added the color to the water, I messed up part of the boat so I had to go back and fill in the spots in the boat with black paint. I outline the pillars on the Titanic and messed with their color and exposure to give more depth to the picture. In doing so I really like the outcome and the blue ocean gives more depth to the picture. 

http://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/object-groups/titanic-group – Titanic Image

Unit 4.4. GIS Delaware County, Muncie IN Base Map.

Muncie Base Map

Muncie Base Map Analysis

By showing the orthography I was able to represent the map with what is there from Google Earth view. But also by showing the elevation next to it I was able to recognize the height different of the site and surrounding area of Muncie. By adding contours to each of these maps it shows the different elevations throughout the selected part of Delaware County, Muncie, IN. When deciding on what is the important layers to show for the maps I focused on environmental factors, transportation, and social aspects. By adding the layers of major roads, railroad lines, recreation trails, Muncie parks, wetlands, and soils I was able to establish all 3 of the important highlighted areas. By using these different layers I am able to recognize where the transportation is in this part of Muncie, the parks and green spaces and also the wetlands. These layers will help with Design Week and our future projects involving south of the railroad tracks of Muncie where the old GM factory was and including the Ross Center. By also including the analysis of slope and aspect I am able to show the different elevations through the site and see that the entire site is pretty close to equal in slope and aspect. All these different layers will help with future projects in the Muncie Area and now I know what I need for a base map and what’s important to include on it.

Unit 4.3. GIS Timberline Lodge Map.




By exploring the different layers in GIS for the Timberline Lodge I was able to study the slope and the contour lines. This helped see where the highest point was and how high the mountain is. When using the slope and aspect layers I was able to understand which way the hill was sloped and which way water would run down and how steep the mountain is. Playing around with the different layers in GIS is fun and helps you learn things about your site that you may not have known. By keeping the contour index on some of the maps I was able to see where every fifth contour was and judge how high the mountain is. I also learned a lot about GIS through making this map and discovering what layers will help you discover certain information. This helps for future reference when I need to discover what is happening on a site I am given for future projects. This assignment was very helpful and I learned a lot about Timberline Lodge such as where the roads are, how high the mountain is, which way the slopes face, and also the aspect, but I also learned a lot about discovering new layers for different maps.